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Evanson Munene Waruhiu
Senior Audit Consultant

Mr Waruhiu is a Senior Audit Consultant with the firm and has extensive experience in private and public sector accounting, auditing, financial management, administration and capacity building, spanning over twenty six (26) years. As a consultant, he is particularly experienced in Accounting, Administrative, Financial Management, Strategic Management; External audit, Internal Audit, Company Secretarial, training and capacity building. Over the years, he has held several managerial positions including Head of Finance with East African Publishers Limited, Chief Accountant and then Audit Manager with Wachira Irungu & Associates, Chief Accountant with Sarova Hotels and Lodges Limited and Management Trainee with Unga Limited. Mr. Waruhiu holds Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Honors), USIU and a Master of International Business Administration (Strategic Management Option), from USIU, and is also a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).

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